How to Refresh Your Life This September

September. It's the time of year where the kids start their next year at school, we stop worshipping the sun for another year as the days become shorter, and the weather gets colder. We begin eating warmer foods, snuggling up in the evenings and getting our wooly jumpers out.

No matter how old you are, September is a brilliant time to refresh your life without the pressure that January sets upon you to change things. It's a brilliant month to set goals, get new inspiration and feel fired up and inspired by something.

Here are some ways to refresh your life this September.


1. Refresh your wardrobe

Refreshing your wardrobe starts by throwing out anything you can't remember when you last wore. Make sure you donate anything you can to a charity shop. Once you've cleansed your wardrobe, pack away your summer clothes (I know it's hard to let go of summer but it'll be back next year!), and get out your winter clothes. The ones that have been sitting at the bottom of your drawer for 6 months will most definitely need a wash!

Go through your clothes and work out if there's anything you might need to give your capsule wardrobe a 2017/18 refresh. That way when you next go shopping you'll know that you don't have many tops, or you've only got one pair of jeans.


2. Set Goals

September is the perfect time to set goals with a lifespan. This is because you can set a completion date for those goals by the end of the year. During a new year, if you set goals like bagging yourself a new job or getting fit, you've got a whole twelve months to succeed or fail!

Four month's is plenty of time to save up for a holiday, join a gym, apply for - and start a new job, or get new clients. Whatever your goal is, make sure they are SMART:

S - specific

M - measurable

A- attainable

R - realistic

T - time bound

Once you've set your goals, make a plan to achieve them using the above framework. Remember goals are achieved quicker the more effort you put in!


3. Spruce up your home

Your living space can sometimes leave you feeling like you're in a rut. You can spend minimal amounts refreshing your home by buying the small things like a couple of cushions, a new lamp shade, some new bedsheets or a throw. You could even paint a room a different colour - use your imagination!


4. Take up a new hobby

Bored of the same old routine? Work, Gym, Sleep, Repeat. Find a new hobby this year to make things interesting. Think things like rock climbing, run club, playing an instrument, volunteer for a charity! Anything that shakes up your usual routine.


5. Change careers

The ultimate refresh - change your career. You're never too old to change your career path. Granted you may have to take a pay cut but as the famous saying goes - you only live once - which to me means you have to follow your dreams and do what you've always wanted to do.


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