5 Ways To Boost Sales This Black Friday

With every shopaholic's favourite day just around the corner, it’s time to start considering your Black Friday strategy! As you prepare for the chaos, you need to be mindful that competition is extremely high so in order to reap the benefits of the day, you need to ensure you are standing out from the crowd! Below are 5 ways in which you can boost your sales this Black Friday!

1. Make your offers irresistible

This one is pretty self explanatory. It is crucial the deals you are offering are simply to good to resist! With such high competition, offering a small discount that you offer every week anyway, just won’t cut it. Take a deep breath and accept the fact that you will have to lower your prices considerably to gain anything from the day. BUT remember that you will be compensated by the high volume of sales you'll receive for doing so. If you don’t offer your customers any deals this Friday, you will very swiftly fade away in to the background. The truth is, your customers have plenty of other places they can go to bag themselves a bargain so aim to make your deals that little bit better than your competitors.

2. Improve your Email Marketing campaign

On Black Friday, email open rates increase by 60% as everyone is looking for the best offers from all the different brands. If you want to boost your sales this Friday, it is crucial you don’t miss this golden opportunity! Provide your customers with an email letting them know the deal you are offering and lead them to your page where they can buy. Ensure your subject line is catchy and to the point - your customers inboxes will be overflowing with emails so make sure yours does not get overlooked!

3. Take advantage of Social media

The power of Social media is undoubtably huge. It is a great tool to promote your products and boost your sales on days like Black Friday. Creating eye catching content and using appropriate hashtags on your post will allow you maximise engagement and entice as many people as possible to buy. The different social media platforms have different benefits but one which is very useful for targeting specific areas is Facebook. Facebook now offers local awareness ads which allow you to target people within a specific radius of your business, you can spend as little or as much money as you like and the results are really effective!

4. Add a countdown timer to your website 

Adding a countdown on your website is a great way to push indecisive customers to take the final step to purchasing your product or service. Your customers will be comparing your prices with your competitors before purchasing. Including a timer will help give your customers that little push to quickly make a decision and close the sale there and then! It also makes the offer a lot more desirable which will also coax the customer in to buying.   

5. Make sure your site is responsive and works on mobile 

According to research, people spend 51% of their internet usage on mobile versus 42% that is spent on a desktop. With online shopping, specifically shopping via mobile becoming increasingly popular, it is important your promotions and website can be viewed easily on a mobile. If your website is not mobile friendly and your customers are receiving problems when trying to shop, they will not hesitate to leave your website. On days like Black Friday when the competition is high, your customers won’t wait around on a lagging website when there are plenty of others they can visit which will allow them to shop with ease. So make sure everything is running smoothly before the big day! 

Got a question? Don't hesitate to DM me! - @lucyhitchcock_ @sassydigital


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