5 Signs It's Time For A Website Redesign

When is the last time you gave your website a little refresh? If you can’t remember, it’s probably not a good sign.

Just like all your social profiles, it’s really important to constantly update the contents and design of your website to ensure the content is correct and the design is current. Often people are good at updating the content and neglect the design. However, the design is in fact the most common reason visitors are put off by or don’t trust a website.

So, if your website is looking a little worse for wear or you feel it's not really serving it's duty... we've listed 5 indicators that will let you know when it's time for a redesign! 

1. It looks outdated

Everyday people are becoming accustomed to newer styles of website. If yours isn’t keeping up with these newer designs, your website will appear out-dated and you are probably losing market share and engine rank position. Because people become used to the newer designs, if yours isn't quite up to scratch, visitors will find it challenging to navigate and result in looking for a more friendly user website to engage with instead. Have a look at other peoples websites to see how yours differs and ask people to have a look around your site and ask for their honest thoughts to determine areas you could improve on. 

2. It’s not mobile friendly

Having a mobile friendly website means that your site has been built so that it appears the same on any device your visitor is using. In this day and age, the vast majority of people search for information and buy products on their mobile. The mobile internet usage has now overtaken PC which makes having your site mobile friendly a necessity! If your site is not mobile friendly you are potentially missing out on tons of potential clients and customers. Ensuring your site is working just as good on mobile will allow your visitors to easily navigate your website and find exactly what they are looking for!

3. It has a high bounce back rate

Your website analytics hold valuable information about the performance of your website. The average bounce rate is 45% - high rates could suggest a number of problems with your site. Your page may load slowly, certain pages aren’t functioning properly or the design is lacking and therefore put off the visitor. Redesigning your page and focusing on the areas that could be causing bounce back rates will help boost your overall customer satisfaction and ideally sales!

4. It doesn’t link to your brand

Whether you’ve recently changed your brand or your website has just never matched your branding, this needs to change! It's really important that your branding is incorporated into your website. A common misconception of branding is that its simply your logo and tagline and colours - wrong! Your brand is your overall identity and your website and social profiles are your online identity - meaning it is crucial these match so you are easily recognisable to potential customers.

5. It’s difficult to navigate

Visitors of your website want to find what they are looking for as quickly as possible. Nobody has the time (or patience) to scroll through pages and pages of content trying to find what they are after. You have a short time period to capture your visitors full attention so make sure they can find what they’re after in as few clicks as possible! If visitors to your site find it hard to navigate and don't find what they are looking for almost straight away, it’s very likely they will leave your website and look elsewhere. A big giveaway that your navigation is lacking is if you receive the same questions over and over again that are answered on your website. Again, asking people to have a play around on your site will help you determine the areas that need to change.

Got a question? Don't hesitate to get in touch! We welcome any questions and offer Website management and Creation at Sassy Digital! - @lucyhitchcock_ @sassydigital


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