5 Ways To Use Instagram Videos For Business

Videos are quickly becoming the most engaging and powerful form of content marketing. The video trend is progressing rapidly and is showing no signs of slowing down any time soon!

In order to keep up with competitors and make the most out of your Business’ Instagram account, you need to be integrating video marketing into your strategy now.

Below are 5 eays ways you can use videos on Instagram to benefit your business:

1. Share special offers

Instagram stories have a 24 hour life span which gives them a sense of exclusiveness and urgency. This creates a brilliant opportunity for you to share special offers in your Instagram story that are only available until the story ends (after 24 hours). This will not only entice your audience to purchase your product or service but It will keep them engaged as they won’t want to miss out on any future deals!

2. Provide sneak peeks into behind the scenes

Believe it or not, people are nosey and love having a little look at what goes on behind the scenes! Giving them an insight into the business or a sneak peak into a new product will help them connect with and feel apart of the brand. Once they feel connected to the brand, they will be more likely to engage with your content and purchase your products! 

3. Show your product in action!

Whether it’s a tutorial on how your product works, a recipe video or a time lapse of you getting the job done - people love videos and love seeing how things are made! Use it to show your audience what your product is, how it works and why they need it! Remember that people won't take your word for it and need to see it to believe it. So, if you have a great product or service that brings great results, prove it! If your product is super versatile and can be used in many different ways, prove it! This is your chance to show off and get them sales!

4. Use Instagram Lives

Although it can seem quite daunting, Instagram live is a great way to drive new followers & engagement and reach larger business goals. Similar to Instagram stories, Instagram lives are a great way to let your audience into your business and build relationship and trust which will help generate sales. If you get enough viewers you might even end up on the discover page and therefore be exposed to even more people! Give it a try - it’s not as scary as it seems.

5. Use Boomerangs/Gifs

Gifs and boomerangs are a great way to inject some humour into your Instagram, show off your brands personality and promote your business in a creative way. They’re super easy to use and will be sure to catch the attention of your followers! The fact that they are not a super high tech marketing tool and everybody knows how to use them will also help you to appear more down to earth and enable your followers to again, connect with your brand!

If you need any help or advice on promoting your business on Instagram, don’t hesitate to DM me on Instagram! We welcome any questions! -  @lucyhitchcock_@sassydigital


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