How To Sell With Instagram’s Shoppable Posts

Instagram recently launched its new shoppable posts feature in the UK (hurray!!). The new feature allows brands to tag products in their content with the aim to make the buying experience as easy and quick as possible!

The shoppable posts are displayed by a small shopping bag icon in the bottom left of the screen. If a post has this icon, it means certain contents of the image are tagged. If you tap the image small ‘button’s’ will appear over tagged areas and if you tap them, the products description and price appears.

If users decide they are interested in the product, they simply tap the tag where more information and a larger image of the product will appear. If they then wish to purchase the product, they can click on the ‘shop now' tag where they will then be redirected to the site where they can purchase the product immediately! (I know, we’re as scared for our bank accounts as you are). 

So, how do you set up your shopable posts?

1. Update the app!

Firstly you’ll need to make sure your Instagram account is updated and running the latest version of the app to ensure everything runs properly!

2. Set up your Instagram account as a business account

If your account isn’t already a ‘business account’ you will need to change it to use the new shopping feature. To do this, simply go to your settings and scroll down until you see ‘switch to business account’.

3. Set up a Shopify account

You need to have a Shopify account in order to be able to sell on Instagram. Unfortunatelty, they only offer paid plans so selling on Instagram does come at a pirce. However, there is a range of packages depending on what your budget is and even the most basic, cheapest package will allow you to use the new feature and sell directly on Instagram. You can set up your account here:

4. Connect your Shopify account with your Facebook page product catalogue

Once you’ve set up your Shopify account, you’ll need to link in to your Facebook page product catalogue. To set up your Facebook page product catalogue, go to your Facebook page and click ‘Shop’ in the left hand tab and follow the steps through. Make sure that your products on your Facebook product catalogue are all linked properly in the Shopify app.

5. Get tagging!

Once everything is set up and running smoothly, you’ll now have the option to ‘tag products’ every time you go to upload a photo. (Just underneath where the ‘tag people’ tab is). You’ll then be able to choose from all the products you have listed on your Facebook Catalogue, and once you’ve chosen the appropriate product, you’ll be able to return to the previous page, save the tag and upload your post!

Instagrams shoppable posts feature is an exciting prospect for businesses selling tangible products. The process has been made as simple as possible to create a seamless experience for users - because let’s face it, people are lazy and unless it’s right there at their fingertips they quite often won't go through with a purchase. 

If you’re selling a physical product, you’d be crazy to not take advantage of this amazing feature.

If you do decide to start using Shoppable posts, let us know how you get on, we’d love to hear from you!

As always, if you have any more questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch! -@lucyhitchcock_ @sassydigital


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