What Is A Social Media Strategy And Do I Need One?

Trying to build a brand on social media without a clear strategy can be unproductive and time wasting. If you’re reading this chances are you're either not getting the results you want from social media or you're not using social media in your marketing at all! Either way, I’m here to tell you why you need a social media strategy in place and how it can help grow your business, increase your brand recognition and connect with your audience on a deeper level.

So why do you need a social media strategy?

A social media strategy is in line with your business goals. Quite often, people post whatever comes to their mind and hope for the best, but without a clear strategy, there’s no real way to tell if your social media efforts are paying off! Having a social media strategy in place will help you outline exactly what you want to achieve and the steps you need to take to get there, so you can review your progress along the way to keep moving forwards, rather than backwards!

Below are 3 reasons you need a social media strategy in place!

1. To build a strong presence online

The first reason businesses usually make the decision to start utilising social media, is to build some sort of presence online. In this day and age, its becoming increasingly important for brands to be established online as quite frankly, if they are not, they will get left behind. Being active on social media will allow your customers and potential customers to discover and engage with you which helps build customer loyalty.

2. It will save you time!

Another reason to have a solid social media strategy in place is that it will save you a lot of time, so you have more time to focus on other tasks. By planning out and scheduling your social media in advance, the time you spend each day posting to social media will rapidly decline! Think about it, in the time it takes you to frantically find something to post that day, think of a caption and decide the best time to post… you could have been doing something much more productive! Not only does planning ahead save you time but it will ensure you are posting good quality content rather than posting anything you can find, just to post something.

3. To stay competitive

Lastly, a social media strategy is necessary if you want to stay competitive and not get left behind and overtaken by your competitors. These days it’s extremely uncommon to find an organisation without a social presence, and people go to social media for all sorts of reasons before they decide to actually purchase a product or service. Not only this, but a social media strategy will allow you to analyse what is working and what isn’t to improve performance, grow your brand identity, build loyal customers and help you understand what your customers want!

If you need help creating a strong social media strategy, don’t hesitate to get in touch - @lucyhitchcock_ @sassydigital


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